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On March 7, 2017, Shenzhen Junhe Ruitong Technology Co., Ltd. was invited to participate in the "Huawei CBG Greater China Guangdong Integration Fellow" summit located at the Sheraton Guangzhou Hotel
Shenzhen Junhe Ruitong Technology Co., Ltd. and Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation agreement in Shenzhen, jointly announcing a comprehensive strategic cooperation in the fields of Android building video in...
Open the new intelligent style of FC2016 China International Door, Window and Curtain Wall Exhibition 目前,FC2016第十四届中国国际门窗幕墙博览会(以下简称中国门窗幕墙展)正在北京中国国际展览中心(新馆)隆重举行。作为亚洲最大的...
2016 Junhe Ruitong, Yangjiang Tour of Haitian Wonderful Scenery 为了丰富员工的文化生活,进一步增进团队精神,促进各部门间的相互了解,提高公司的凝聚力和向心力,2016年8月26日君和睿通企业
On April 12, 2016, Shenzhen Junhe Ruitong Technology Co., Ltd. officially relocated and settled on the 10th floor, Building B, Special Information Port, High-tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen. 深圳市南山高新产业...
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